Head Lice

Head Lice

Head lice (Nits) are a common occurrence in school and preschool settings. Children being more susceptible because they are more likely to have close contact in playgrounds, schools, preschools and childcare centres. There are numerous methods for treating headlice as listed in ACT Health Head Lice Fact Sheet.

Managing Headlice

Some hand tips for reducing the risk of headlice are:

  • Tying back long hair to help prevent the spread of head lice.
  • If a family member is infested, examine all members of the family for head lice.
  • Notify friends and the school if your child has head lice.
  • Check children’s hair regularly – anyone can catch head lice where people live, play or work together.
Exclusion periods

The Public Health Regulation 2000 require that children be excluded from school until effective treatment against head lice has begun.

Headlice notifications

If your child has headlice please contact the school and commence treatment.

When the school is notified of a case of headlice we will send a headlice alert via email to all families within the cohort. If you receive a headlice alert from the school please take the time to check your children's head for Nits or adult lice and let us know if you find evidence.