Starting Kindergarten

Welcome to kindergarten at Chapman Primary School.

Starting kindergarten means making lots of adjustments. Kindergarten is a time where children begin to develop skills to cope with a more structured approach to a longer day, in a larger classroom and play areas with more complicated buildings to navigate and many more, bigger children and adults around them.

This may be a first-time school experience, and arrangements may appear a little bewildering, you are not alone. There are many different feelings associated with this occasion from excitement to anticipation. The progression to the primary school from the smaller preschool environment is usually awaited with eagerness and enthusiasm, but sometimes this excitement is also tinged with anxiety. Whether you are a first timer or an old hand starting kindergarten, whether you are excited or a little nervous, it is a very special occasion so enjoy the experience and remember to take photos!

For those of you who have a nervous new kindy student, talk to them about their feelings and all the wonderful new things that will happen while they are at school. This will help them to look forward to each new school day with confidence and enthusiasm.

We are here to support you to make this a positive experience for everyone so please contact us if you need any help at all.

ACT Education offers Starting School: A guide for families with information to help you and your child make the transition to big school and we will give you lots of advice and information as well.

Kindergarten Enrolment Eligibility

Children who turn 5 years old on or before 30 April can start kindergarten on the first day of term 1 in that year. Enrolments for students joining our school in kindergarten must be lodged online at

Does your child attend the Chapman Preschool program?

Preschool students will be automatically enrolled into kindergarten for the following year where they attend preschool at their local PEA school. Preschoolers not at their local preschool may be asked to reapply for kindergarten at their preferred primary school in 2024. Your preschool letter of offer will indicate if you may need to reapply for kindergarten and we will also get in touch with you if or when you will need to lodge a kindergarten online enrolment application.

Transitioning to kindergarten

Our school has developed a high standard of transition and orientation activities designed to deliver a supported, positive and successful transition program for all children starting kindergarten. This program will take place in term 4 of the year before starting kindergarten and includes several visits to the kindergarten and specialist learning areas for students, an information evening for parents and carers which is held in the kindergarten learning area and a kindergarten information pack. Families new to the school in kindergarten will also be offered the opportunity to meet with our Early Education Leader to share any important information with us.

What will your child need to start kindergarten?

Kindergarten specific assessment and programs


The BASE assessment program is a child-friendly, assessment conducted by classroom teachers with each student individually. Assessments collect information about the understandings that students bring to school at the start of the kindergarten year and actual progress of the student at the end of the yea. BASE supplies data on expected progress and provides concrete evidence on the spread of abilities within a class. Parents will receive a report of their child’s assessments.

Kindergarten Health Checks

Kindergarten Health Checks are conducted at schools by registered nurses for all kindergarten students. Checks include assessment of vision, hearing, height, weight and development. Children will bring home information and consent forms early in the year to explain what checks involve. Results are posted to parents and carers and nurses can provide information or a referral letter to appropriate specialist services for any issues identified through these checks. These should not replace your child’s normal healthcare.


An integral part of the learning experience are educational excursions. An exciting event in the kindergarten year is Bushkids. Students participate in an 8-week, half day walk to, and explore at Cooleman Ridge which takes place in term 3 in most weather conditions. Children can investigate, explore and problem solve within their local environment. Bushkids is a much loved and anticipated program. More detailed information is sent to families about this program closer to the time.

Other information about Chapman Primary School

Further information can be found on our website including A-Z Parent Information, or you are welcome to contact us to speak with our staff.