Vision and Mission Statement

Year 6 Student Leaders with a group of younger students

Our Purpose

Chapman Primary School:

Our Values

Logo: Chapman Values Friends

Chapman values FRIENDS

Friendliness- being kind and caring to others

Respect- polite and thoughtful in dealing with others

Integrity- consistent in words and actions

Everyone Co-operates- getting along with others

Never-Give-Up-Attitude- persistence

Diversity- accepting differences

Support- helping others

Our Vision

We aim to develop students who demonstrate resilience, respect, integrity and independence; and who are:



Our Motto

The Chapman School motto “Achieving Excellence Together” is linked to our graduate profile. Successful graduates of Chapman Primary School are:

Our Logo

School Logo

Our school prides itself on achieving excellence - a strong commitment to school, each other and learning.  The Chapman School Badge symbolises togetherness, progression, achievement, a firm educational foundation and vision.

The tree represents life and knowledge.  It signifies deep educational and foundational roots for all children. The people at the base of the tree signify friendship and support, both at the school and community level.

We have strong healthy partnerships with students, parents, teachers and the wider community.  With a solid foundation children can grow and flourish as depicted by the students reaching to obtain these values.  Collectively the people and the leaves represent learning.  The tree symbolises this process which is linked to our FRIENDS values.

The hill represents Sir Austin Chapman’s contribution to lobbying for the site where Canberra is located, and reflects the suburb of Chapman and the school’s location, nestled at the foot of Cooleman Ridge.

The educational journey that a child takes, whilst at Chapman Primary School and throughout life, is represented by the acronym “CPS” shown as paths in the logo.  The “P” looping around the people displays the strong sense of community and the ability for everyone to achieve excellence together.