Social and Emotional Learning

We have introduced an exciting, evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) program, MindUP™, that can help our students better engage in learning, learn to self-regulate their behaviour, and improve their attention skills and well-being.

MindUP™ is a classroom-based program that teaches children strategies guided by the fields of neuroscience, mindful awareness training, social and emotional learning, and positive psychology to support success in the classroom and in life.

MindUP™ was created collaboratively by university scientists and school-based educators. The program helps children understand the ways brains work and how their thoughts and feelings affect their behaviour. It has five goals:

  1. To foster a cohesive, caring classroom climate
  2. To foster focus and mindful awareness
  3. To build emotional literacy
  4. To increase qualities like perspective-taking, empathy, gratitude, and kindness
  5. To increase optimism, well-being, and resiliency

A core practice of the program is the “Brain Break.” The Brain Break is a simple mindful breathing and listening activity that is practiced three times per day. This activity can help foster attention and self-regulation.

For further details about MindUP™, please visit

If you would like to learn more about the research around social and emotional learning, please visit