Excursions and Camps

Excursions and Camps

Excursions and camps are a critical dimension to classroom learning where students have the opportunity to leave the school environment to learn new things in the real world. These are a fundamental part of your child’s education, and we encourage all students to participate in these experiences.

Your child will have the opportunity to participate in part or full day excursions organised for their class, year level or whole school excursions to complement their current learning program, whole school sporting carnivals, specialist group excursions such as for sustainability programs, choir or band and overnight camps for students in years 3 to 6.

Overnight Camps:

  • Years 3 & 4 - one night, two days
  • Years 5 & 6 - two nights, three days

Parent information  and permission notes are sent home for all excursions requesting parental permission to attend, medical information of students and in most cases, a request for financial contribution. To ensure all students are able to attend these activities, families who are experiencing financial difficulties are encouraged to approach the school for assistance. Please refer to our information in Equity Fund for further information about this.

To make payment for excursions please see School Payments and Financial Contributions.